• homozygotes are embryonic lethal
• 17% of embryos die by E12.5 and 71% of embryos die by E13.5
• 17% of embryos die by E12.5
• embryo size is reduced at E12.5 and E13.5 compared to age-matched control embryos
endocrine/exocrine glands
• adrenal primordia in E13.5 embryos are significantly smaller
absent ovary
• embryo size is reduced at E12.5 and E13.5 compared to age-matched control embryos
reproductive system
absent ovary
renal/urinary system
• E13.5 embryos fail to develop a metanephros
cardiovascular system
• cardiac dysplasia is noted in all embryos at E13.5
• both ventricles have poorly developing compact and trabecular myocardium in the free walls
• atrial cavaties are dilated with thickened epicardium
• other cardiac abnormalities noted in E13.5 embryos are hypoplastic myocardium, heart shape abnormalities with rounded apex, and improper epicardium and mesocardial attachment
• rounded heart apex
• pericardial hemorrhaging in about half the embryos
liver/biliary system
• the livers of E12.5 and E13.5 embryos are hypoplastic and deficient in lobation
• diaphragms are incompletely formed in all embryos at E12.5 with an increase in the dorsolateral gap
• E13.5 embyros have large openings between the pleural and peritoneal spaces
• pericardial hemorrhaging in about half the embryos