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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Catherine A Boulter
Summary 2 genotypes
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Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3tm1Cabo involves: 129S/SvEv MGI:3803763
Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3+ involves: 129S/SvEv MGI:3803762

involves: 129S/SvEv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ccn3tm1Cabo mutation (0 available); any Ccn3 mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Abnormal skeletal development in Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3tm1Cabo and Ccn3tm1Cabo/Nov+ mice

• the number of homozygote pups at 10 days of age is 55% less than expected
• survivors are viable and fertile
• successive generations show reduced levels of neonatal loss
• the number of homozygous embryos at the E12.5-E19.5 stage is 20% less than expected

• body wall of E16.5 embryos are abnormally thin and transparent
• rib cages are barrel chested with overgrowth of ribs

• skulls are slightly larger and flatter than wild-type mice
• malformation of the wrist elements is evident
• fused tarsal bones are found in the feet
• hips of E18.5 and E19.5 embryos are dislocated
• patella appears flattened and the meniscus is expanded
• vertebrae are enlarged in all mice
• overgrowth of the axial skeleton leads to an increased length of the long bones
• skeletons are larger than in controls
• abnormal chondrogenesis occurs in E16.5 embryos with hyperplasia occurring in the cartilage elements
• demarcation between mesenchyme and chondrocytes seen in wild-type embryos is absent
• the ordered transition from columnar to pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes is disrupted in these mice
• cultured mouse embryonic fibroblasts have enhanced ability to differentiate into chondrocytes than control cultures
• chondrocytes found in E16.5 embryos are enlarged in size
• the ordered transition from columnar to pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes is disrupted in these mice
• once ossification occurs during embryonic development, there is increased mineralization of the bone compared to wild-type
• ossification of the digits and vertebrae in E16.5 embryos is delayed
• the tightly ordered sequential ossification of the vertebrae is disrupted in the mutants
• once ossification occurs there is increased mineralization of the bone compared to wild-type
• joints are abnormally articulated leading to a laxity of the limbs

• hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the ventricles suggestive of cardiac failure in noted in E13.5 embryos
• subcutaneous muscle and a subset of hypaxial muscles (hip, shoulder, body wall, inter-costal and inter-vertebral muscle) degenerate starting around 5 months of age
• degeneration includes atrophy and trans-differentation to immature adipose cells
• these tran-differentated cells have a bubbly cytoplasmic appearance and is most evident in the subcutaneous muscle

• cataracts are evident in the eyes of some mice (n= 10/23) between the ages of 6 and 13 months
• cataracts consist of vacoulation of degenerating lenses with loss of the surface epithelium

• malformation of the wrist elements is evident
• fused tarsal bones are found in the feet
• hips of E18.5 and E19.5 embryos are dislocated
• patella appears flattened and the meniscus is expanded
• vertebrae are enlarged in all mice
• abnormalities in caudal vertebrae segmentation of some mice leads to kinked tails

• skulls are slightly larger and flatter than wild-type mice

cardiovascular system
• venous dilation and congestion are observed in the kidney, liver and other organs of E13.5 embryos
• endocardial cushion of E13.5 embyros is enlarged with a broader base extending laterally compared to wild-type littermates
• there is a delay in septum fusing to the endocardial cushion
• the caudal end of the septum in E13.5 embryos exhibits hypertrophy and accumulation of blood in the subendothelial space between the septum and right ventricle
• the septal wall of the right ventricle frequently has calcium deposits in E13.5 embryos
• hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the ventricles suggestive of cardiac failure in noted in E13.5 embryos

• joints are abnormally articulated leading to a laxity of the limbs

liver/biliary system

renal/urinary system

involves: 129S/SvEv
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Ccn3tm1Cabo mutation (0 available); any Ccn3 mutation (22 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Abnormal skeletal development in Ccn3tm1Cabo/Ccn3tm1Cabo and Ccn3tm1Cabo/Nov+ mice

• the number of heterozygote pups at 10 days of age is 35% less than expected
• survivors are viable and fertile
• successive generations show reduced levels of neonatal loss
• the number of heterozygous embryos at the E12.5-E19.5 stage is 10% less than expected

• rib cages are barrel chested with overgrowth of ribs though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes

• skulls are slightly larger and flatter than wild-type mice
• malformation of the wrist elements is evident though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• fused tarsal bones are found in the feet though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• hips of E18.5 and E19.5 embryos are dislocated
• patella appears flattened though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• vertebrae are enlarged in 4 of 6 mice
• overgrowth of the axial skeleton leads to an increased length of the long bones
• skeletons are larger than in controls though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• abnormal chondrogenesis occurs in E16.5 embryos with hyperplasia occurring in the cartilage elements
• demarcation between mesenchyme and chondrocytes seen in wild-type embryos is absent
• the ordered transition from columnar to pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes is disrupted in these mice
• chondrocytes found in E16.5 embryos are enlarged in size
• the ordered transition from columnar to pre-hypertrophic chondrocytes is disrupted in these mice
• once ossification occurs during embryonic development, there is increased mineralization of the bone compared to wild-type
• ossification of the digits and vertebrae in E16.5 embryos is delayed
• the tightly ordered sequential ossification of the vertebrae is disrupted in the mutants
• once ossification occurs there is increased mineralization of the bone compared to wild-type
• joints are abnormally articulated leading to a laxity of the limbs

• cataracts are evident in the eyes of some mice (n= 9/28) between the ages of 6 and 13 months
• cataracts consist of vacoulation of degenerating lenses with loss of the surface epithelium

• hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the ventricles suggestive of cardiac failure in noted in E13.5 embryos
• defects are less severe than in homozygote mice

• malformation of the wrist elements is evident though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• fused tarsal bones are found in the feet though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• hips of E18.5 and E19.5 embryos are dislocated
• patella appears flattened though not to the same degree as observed in homozygotes
• vertebrae are enlarged in 4 of 6 mice
• abnormalities in caudal vertebrae segmentation of some mice leads to kinked tails

• skulls are slightly larger and flatter than wild-type mice

cardiovascular system
• venous dilation and congestion are observed in the kidney, liver and other organs of E13.5 embryos
• the caudal end of the septum in E13.5 embryos exhibits hypertrophy and accumulation of blood in the subendothelial space between the septum and right ventricle
• this phenotype is less severe than in homozygote mice
• the septal wall of the right ventricle frequently has calcium deposits in E13.5 embryos
• hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of the ventricles suggestive of cardiac failure in noted in E13.5 embryos
• defects are less severe than in homozygote mice

• joints are abnormally articulated leading to a laxity of the limbs

liver/biliary system

renal/urinary system

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory