weight loss
• body weight progressively decreases, with weight only 40-60% of controls at moribund stage
• excessive grooming is observed at 2-4 months
• progressively deteriorating from 2.5 months
limb grasping
• at 2-4 months, mice display transiently clutched paws; at 4-8 months, paws are permanently clenched
• at 2-4 months, mice exhibit lateral body displacement while climbing, and display transiently uncoordinated limb extension (much more prolonged at 4-8 months)
• mice can not remain on rotating rod, starting at 1.75 months
• grip strength in fore- and hindlimbs is progressively impaired from 1.75 months of age
abnormal gait
• mice develop progressively deteriorating gait from 2-4 months of age (gait is wide-based initially, wide-based and dragged at late stage, and scribbled at later to moribund stages)
• at 2-4 months, mice exhibit lateral body displacement while climbing, and display transiently uncoordinated limb extension (much more prolonged at 4-8 months)
nervous system
• these are prominent (larger and more abundant) in neurons in selected brain regions and spinal cord compared to wild-type controls a 3-4 months worsening with age; in spinal cord, inclusions are observed in motor and sensory neurons
reproductive system
• starts to develop at 2-4 months; at 4-8 months, mice show pronounced hunchback with low pelvic elevation and muscle wasting
• serum concentration is significantly lower in males than in wild-type males
• serum concentration is significantly lower in males than in wild-type males
• significantly lower in transgenic females compared to wild-type females
• significantly lower than in wild-type males
endocrine/exocrine glands