• all homozygous mice died within 16 days after 7 Gy of irradiation, while 80% of control mice were still alive 2 months after irradiation
• the average weight of 5-month-old homozygous mice was 80% of that of wild-type mice
• fewer spermatocytes were found in seminiferous tubules
• MEFs from homozygous mutant mice survived less than control MEFs after ionizing irradiation
• MEFs from homozygous mice grew poorly in vitro due to a decrease in actively dividing cells
• MEFs from homozygous mutant mice shows severe defects in doubles strand break repair than control MEFs after ionizing irradiation caused DNA damage
• Cd43+ splenocytes from homozygous mutant mice cultured in presence of concanavalin A for 72 hr shows increased genomic instability, showing increased number of chromosome break, chromatid break, fragmentation, chromosome fusion
reproductive system
• fewer spermatocytes were found in seminiferous tubules
• the diameter of the seminiferous tubules in homozygous mice was smaller than those in wild-type mice
small testis
• testes from homozygous mice were only one-fourth the size of those of wild-type mice at the same age
• homozygous female are fertile, however their litter sizes were smaller than those of wild-type mice
• homozygous male are infertile due to defective spermatogenesis
endocrine/exocrine glands
small thymus
• the thymus derived from homozygous mice are smaller; however, the absolute number of splenic B and T lymphocytes is only modestly reduced
• the diameter of the seminiferous tubules in homozygous mice was smaller than those in wild-type mice
small testis
• testes from homozygous mice were only one-fourth the size of those of wild-type mice at the same age
hematopoietic system
small thymus
• the thymus derived from homozygous mice are smaller; however, the absolute number of splenic B and T lymphocytes is only modestly reduced
• a mild defect in Ig class switching
small spleen
• the spleen derived from homozygous mice are smaller; however, the absolute number of splenic B and T lymphocytes is only modestly reduced
immune system
small thymus
• the thymus derived from homozygous mice are smaller; however, the absolute number of splenic B and T lymphocytes is only modestly reduced
• a mild defect in Ig class switching
small spleen
• the spleen derived from homozygous mice are smaller; however, the absolute number of splenic B and T lymphocytes is only modestly reduced
• MEFs from homozygous mutant mice shows severe defects in doubles strand break repair than control MEFs after ionizing irradiation caused DNA damage
• all homozygous mice died within 16 days after 7 Gy of irradiation, while 80% of control mice were still alive 2 months after irradiation