immune system
• fail to produce interferon alpha and interferon beta in response to poly(I:C)
• impaired production of IL6 and IL12p40 in response to poly(I:C)
• severely impaired production of interferon alpha and interferon beta in bone marrow derived dendritic cells stimulated with poly(I:C)
• impaired production of interferon beta and IL6 in response to encephalomyocarditis virus (positive sense ssRNA virus) in bone marrow derived dendritic cells
• increased susceptibility of encephalomyocarditis virus induced lethality
• but susceptibility to Japanese encephalitis virus and vesicular stomatitis virus is similar to controls
• impaired production of interferon beta in MEFs stimulated with poly(I:C), encephalomyocarditis virus (positive sense ssRNA virus)
• however, production of interferon beta in response to dsRNA and production of type-I interferons in response to mutant negative-sense ssRNA viruses are similar to controls
• fail to produce interferon alpha and interferon beta in response to poly(I:C)
• impaired production of IL6 and IL12p40 in response to poly(I:C)