reproductive system
• in male chimera mice
small testis
• testes size and weight in male chimeras are reduced by more than 50% compared to wild-type mice
• testes size and weight in male chimeras are reduced by more than 50% compared to wild-type mice
• in male chimera mice, testicular sperm are absent from the tubule lumen and round cells rather than spermatozoa are present in the epididymal lumen
• in male chimera mice, apoptosis of spermatocytes in the testes is increased 6- to 8.5-fold compared to in wild-type mice
• in male chimera mice, seminiferous tubules lack elongating and elongated spermatid
• in male chimera mice, spermatogenesis is arrested at step 7 leading to increased apoptosis
• haploinsufficient male chimera mice are infertile
endocrine/exocrine glands
• in male chimera mice
small testis
• testes size and weight in male chimeras are reduced by more than 50% compared to wild-type mice
• testes size and weight in male chimeras are reduced by more than 50% compared to wild-type mice
• in male chimera mice, testicular sperm are absent from the tubule lumen and round cells rather than spermatozoa are present in the epididymal lumen
• in male chimera mice, apoptosis of spermatocytes in the testes is increased 6- to 8.5-fold compared to in wild-type mice
• in male chimera mice, seminiferous tubules lack elongating and elongated spermatid