• image trace analysis suggests an increase in the number of short cilia
• embryonic cilia on the periphery of Henson's node show a decrease in the proportion of motile cilia with regular motion and an increase in the proportion of erratically moving cilia
• in the pit of the node the proportion of nonmotile and erratically moving cilia is increased and the proportion of motile cilia with regular motion is decreased
• intracellular calcium asymmetries normally present around the node are absent
• image trace analysis suggests an increase in the number of short cilia
• embryonic cilia on the periphery of Henson's node show a decrease in the proportion of motile cilia with regular motion and an increase in the proportion of erratically moving cilia
• in the pit of the node the proportion of nonmotile and erratically moving cilia is increased and the proportion of motile cilia with regular motion is decreased