• doxycycline treated mice die shortly after birth due to respiratory distress
respiratory system
• in doxycycline treated mice, pulmonary mesenchyme is thickened and blood vessels are not found in close proximity to epithelial cells unlike in wild-type mice
• in doxycycline treated mice, lung maturation during saccule development is inhibited
• however, at E15.5 lung development is normal
• at birth, doxycycline treated mice exhibit hypercellular alveolar saccules without the dilated peripheral saccules found in wild-type mice
• saccules in doxycycline treated mice are thickened compared to in wild-type mice
• doxycycline treated mice exhibit thickened lung mesenchyme
• at birth, doxycycline treated mice exhibit a decrease in alveolar luminal area compared to wild-type mice
• at birth, doxycycline treated mice exhibit a decrease in squamous epithelial cells compared to in wild-type mice indicating a lack of alveolar type I cell differentiation
• however, pulmonary epithelial cell proliferation following dooxycycline treatment is normal
• at birth, doxycycline treated mice exhibit a decrease in squamous epithelial cells compared to in wild-type mice
• in doxycycline treated mice, type II cells lack lamellar structures found in wild-type cells
• doxycycline treated mice die shortly after birth due to respiratory distress
• unlike in wild-type mice, no surfactant secretion or Sftpb protein is detected in doxycycline treated mice