immune system
• splenocytes fail to secrete IL-13 when incubated in vitro with IL-25 and produce significantly less IL-13 than controls when incubated with Con A
• there are no significant increases in levels of IL-13 found in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) after intranasal challenge with IL-25 unlike wild-type mice that have significant increases
• splenocytes fail to secrete IL-5 when incubated in vitro with IL-25 and produce significantly less IL-5 than controls when stimulated with Con A
• there is no significant increase in levels of IL-5 found in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) after intranasal challenge with IL-25 unlike wild-type mice that have significant increase
• mice do not have increased numbers of inflammatory cells in their bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) after intranasal challenge with IL-25 while wild-type mice undergoing the same challenge have increased numbers of leukocytes in their BALF
• intranasal administration of IL-25 fails to induce histological signs of inflammation with damage scores being essentially normal while wild-type mice treated in the same way have significantly higher scores