• in crosses of heterozygous mice the proportion of trans-heterozygous pups is underrepresented; no specific time of lethality was provided
• underrepresentation is more severe when the mother is heterozygous for the null allele
• seen in surviving pups at 38 days of age
• some embryos develop a body wall hernia in the ventral abdominal region
• frequency of hernias is highest when the mother is heterozygous for the null allele
nervous system
• seen in some pups at E9.5
• frequency of closure defects is highly dependent on the genotype of the mother
• develops by midgestation in embryos with cephalic neural tube closure defects
kinked tail
reproductive system
• slightly increased compared to females heterozygous for the null allele only
• dramatically reduced litter size compared to wild-type females
• seen in some pups at E9.5
• frequency of closure defects is highly dependent on the genotype of the mother