• death before 18 months from progressive hind limb paralysis
• bodies longer than controls at birth
• width of long bones is noticeably greater
• lengths of tibia and femur are normal at 50 days of age
• 14 cartilaginous nodules in epiphyseal cavities of femurs from 9 mice
• clusters of nonproliferating chondrocytes appear in the central regions of growth plates at 3 days of age
• accelerated proliferation of flat shaped peripheral chondrocytes
• some smaller lower zone chondrocytes recover proliferative ability
• four cartilaginous nodules in the bone marrow cavity of tibias and femora of four mice
• cartilaginous nodules found in close proximity to the metaphyseal growth plates of knee joints
• non hypertrophic cartilagenous clusters penetrating the bone marrow cavity become hypertrophic
• cartilaginous nodules limited at the periphery by lamellae of well mineralized trabecular bone
• nodules disappear after fusion of growth plates at 6 months
• neoplastic cores are hypocellular with enlarged balloon-like chondrocytes
• chondrocytes within neoplastic cores are surrounded by fewer collagen fibers
• have a distended and fragmented endoplastic reticulum
• cartilaginous nodules in bone marrow cavity
• cartilaginous nodules in epiphyseal cavities
• non hypertrophic cartilagenous clusters penetrating the bone marrow cavity become hypertrophic and gradually form pseudogrowth plates
• growth plates are essentially normal embryonically
• neoplastic clusters penetrate through the hypertrophic zone into the bone marrow cavity
• clusters of "resting" chondrocytes develop into neoplastic cores by day 5
• clusters become more distinct by day 7 and migrate toward epiphyses
• progressive hind limb paralysis results in death by 18 months