• despite being present in Mendelian ratios at E18.5, no mice survive to weaning
• however, survival can be rescued by expression of a Dvl1, Dvl2, or Dvl3 transgene
cardiovascular system
• in 7 of 11 mice
• in 4 of 11 mice
• the orientation of many cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles is disrupted in the base and middle of the cochlear ducts
• stereociliary bundles in apical regions are rotated compared to in wild-type mice
• some mice exhibit xiphoid bifircation also observed in some wild-type mice
respiratory system
• at birth
nervous system
• the orientation of many cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles is disrupted in the base and middle of the cochlear ducts
• stereociliary bundles in apical regions are rotated compared to in wild-type mice