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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Marc E Rothenberg
Summary 3 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Retnlatm1Mer/Retnlatm1Mer C.B6-Retnlatm1Mer MGI:3832585
Retnlatm1Mer/Retnlatm1Mer C57BL/6-Retnlatm1Mer MGI:3832584
Retnlatm1Mer/Retnlatm1Mer involves: C57BL/6 MGI:3845085

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Retnlatm1Mer mutation (0 available); any Retnla mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• DSS-induced colitis is less severe in these mice as demonstrated by reduced scores in the disease activity index and in histology scores (J:144784)
• colons from DSS-treated mice had decreased edema formation, less epithelial cell damage and decreased leukocyte formation than in controls (J:144784)
• mice are resistant to colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration to the drinking water (J:144927)
• after DSS administration, mice have delayed development of diarrhea, less rectal bleeding, and less weight loss (J:144927)
• there was less shortening of the colon after DSS administration than in controls (J:144927)
• less mice die from DSS- induced colitis than controls with all mice alive after 10 days of DSS administration compared to only 20% of controls (J:144927)
• histology reveals less epithelial erosion and decreased submucosal inflammation resulting from DSS administration (J:144927)

• mice in an inflammatory state from DSS-induced colitis are resistant to hyperglycemia when challenged with glucose compared to controls

digestive/alimentary system
• DSS-induced colitis is less severe in these mice as demonstrated by reduced scores in the disease activity index and in histology scores (J:144784)
• colons from DSS-treated mice had decreased edema formation, less epithelial cell damage and decreased leukocyte formation than in controls (J:144784)
• mice are resistant to colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration to the drinking water (J:144927)
• after DSS administration, mice have delayed development of diarrhea, less rectal bleeding, and less weight loss (J:144927)
• there was less shortening of the colon after DSS administration than in controls (J:144927)
• less mice die from DSS- induced colitis than controls with all mice alive after 10 days of DSS administration compared to only 20% of controls (J:144927)
• histology reveals less epithelial erosion and decreased submucosal inflammation resulting from DSS administration (J:144927)

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Retnlatm1Mer mutation (0 available); any Retnla mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• DSS-induced colitis is less severe in these mice as demonstrated by reduced scores in the disease activity index and in histology scores (J:144784)
• colons from DSS-treated mice had decreased edema formation, less epithelial cell damage and decreased leukocyte formation than in controls (J:144784)
• the number of eosoniphils that infiltrate the colon after 6 days of DSS treatment is about half that of wild-type controls (J:144784)
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce less IL-5, CCL11 and CCL5 when cultured (J:144784)
• mice are resistant to colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration to the drinking water (J:144927)
• after DSS administration, mice have delayed development of diarrhea, less rectal bleeding, and less weight loss (J:144927)
• there was less shortening of the colon after DSS administration than in controls (J:144927)
• less mice die from DSS- induced colitis than controls with all mice alive after 10 days of DSS administration compared to only 20% of controls (J:144927)
• histology reveals less epithelial erosion and decreased submucosal inflammation resulting from DSS administration (J:144927)
• the number of eosoniphils that infiltrate the colon after 6 days of DSS treatment is about half that of wild-type controls
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce less IL-5 when cultured
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce CCL11 and CCL5 when cultured
• mice in an inflammatory state from DSS-induced colitis are resistant to hyperglycemia from glucose challenged compared to wild-type mice in the DSS-colitis model
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce CCL11 and CCL5 when cultured
• more IL-10 is secreted in culture by colon biopsy specimens collected from mice treated with DSS than in controls
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce less IL-5 when cultured
• less IL-6 is secreted in culture by colon biopsy specimens collected from mice treated with DSS than in controls

digestive/alimentary system
• DSS-induced colitis is less severe in these mice as demonstrated by reduced scores in the disease activity index and in histology scores (J:144784)
• colons from DSS-treated mice had decreased edema formation, less epithelial cell damage and decreased leukocyte formation than in controls (J:144784)
• the number of eosoniphils that infiltrate the colon after 6 days of DSS treatment is about half that of wild-type controls (J:144784)
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce less IL-5, CCL11 and CCL5 when cultured (J:144784)
• mice are resistant to colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) administration to the drinking water (J:144927)
• after DSS administration, mice have delayed development of diarrhea, less rectal bleeding, and less weight loss (J:144927)
• there was less shortening of the colon after DSS administration than in controls (J:144927)
• less mice die from DSS- induced colitis than controls with all mice alive after 10 days of DSS administration compared to only 20% of controls (J:144927)
• histology reveals less epithelial erosion and decreased submucosal inflammation resulting from DSS administration (J:144927)

• leptin circulating levels in the sera of fasted mice is almost two-thirds less than in controls
• mice in an inflammatory state from DSS-induced colitis are resistant to hyperglycemia when challenged with glucose compared to controls

hematopoietic system
• the number of eosoniphils that infiltrate the colon after 6 days of DSS treatment is about half that of wild-type controls
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce less IL-5 when cultured
• colonic biopsies from mice treated with DSS produce CCL11 and CCL5 when cultured
• mice in an inflammatory state from DSS-induced colitis are resistant to hyperglycemia from glucose challenged compared to wild-type mice in the DSS-colitis model

involves: C57BL/6
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Retnlatm1Mer mutation (0 available); any Retnla mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Retnlatm1Mer/Retnlatm1Mer mice exhibit exacerbated Schistosoma mansoni egg-induced pulmonary inflammation

immune system
• mean IgE titers after Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) egg challenge are about 4-fold higher than controls
• IgG1 titers specific to Sm antigen are 3-fold higher than controls
• about double the numbers of CD4+ T cells expressing IL-13 are found in mediastinal LN cells after Sm egg challenge compared to controls
• mediastinal LN cells restimulated with Sm eggs produce much higher levels of IL-4, IL-13 and IL-5 than in controls
• mutant mice develop exacerbated pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis after exposure to Sm eggs
• mice exhibit exacerbated pulmonary inflammation characterized by increased cellularity within the arterial lumen, hypertrophy of the endothelium, and the accumulation of lymphocytes, eosinophils, and activated macrophages around the vessel wall
• granuloma size is about twice that of controls
• after sensitization and challenge of wild-type mice with Sm eggs, eggs are transported to the lungs where they become trapped within the lung parenchyma by the formation of Th2 cytokine-dependent granulomas
• alternatively-activated macrophages (AAMacs) have increased activity after Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) egg challenge as evidenced by increased deposition of collagen in the lung
• in vitro derived AAMacs from mutant mice enhance development of Th2 CD4+ T cells
• threefold increase in IL-4 secretion and a 10-fold increase in IL-5 secretion when OT-II T cells were cocultured with OVA-pulsed mutant AAMacs
• mediastinal LN cells from mice infected with Sm eggs produce 5-fold more IL-13 than controls when restimulated with Sm antigen
• mediastinal LN cells from mice infected with Sm eggs produce 5-fold more IL-4 than controls when restimulated with Sm antigen
• mediastinal LN cells from mice infected with Sm eggs produce 2-fold more IL-5 than controls when restimulated with Sm antigen

hematopoietic system
• mean IgE titers after Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) egg challenge are about 4-fold higher than controls
• IgG1 titers specific to Sm antigen are 3-fold higher than controls
• about double the numbers of CD4+ T cells expressing IL-13 are found in mediastinal LN cells after Sm egg challenge compared to controls
• mediastinal LN cells restimulated with Sm eggs produce much higher levels of IL-4, IL-13 and IL-5 than in controls
• mutant mice develop exacerbated pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis after exposure to Sm eggs
• mice exhibit exacerbated pulmonary inflammation characterized by increased cellularity within the arterial lumen, hypertrophy of the endothelium, and the accumulation of lymphocytes, eosinophils, and activated macrophages around the vessel wall
• granuloma size is about twice that of controls
• after sensitization and challenge of wild-type mice with Sm eggs, eggs are transported to the lungs where they become trapped within the lung parenchyma by the formation of Th2 cytokine-dependent granulomas
• alternatively-activated macrophages (AAMacs) have increased activity after Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) egg challenge as evidenced by increased deposition of collagen in the lung
• in vitro derived AAMacs from mutant mice enhance development of Th2 CD4+ T cells
• threefold increase in IL-4 secretion and a 10-fold increase in IL-5 secretion when OT-II T cells were cocultured with OVA-pulsed mutant AAMacs

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory