• born alive but die within minutes of birth
hematopoietic system
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• leukocytes are present in normal numbers in the periphery
• despite defects in erythropoiesis globin RNA expression is normal
• in liver
• predominantly erythropoietic
• peripheral blood smears are hypocellular and contain increased numbers of nucleated erythroid precursors including prorubicytes, rubricytes, and metarubricytes
• decrease in total blood count and red cell count
• large numbers of nucleated red cells are found in mice at E18.5
• increased red cell distribution width
• islands of hematopoietic cells are present in the bone marrow but are smaller and less cellular compared to controls
• abnormal distribution of iron between serum and blood cells with a relative increase in the amount of iron found in the serum
• reduction in blood heme levels correlating to reduction in cellular iron levels
• embryos and neonates are 3 to 5 fold smaller
• reduction in size becomes visible after E14.5
• embryos and neonates are 3 to 5 fold smaller
• reduction in size becomes visible after E14.5