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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1.2, Mark Leid
Summary 2 genotypes
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Bcl11btm1.2Leid/Bcl11btm1.2Leid involves: C57BL/6 * SJL MGI:3839580
Bcl11btm1.2Leid/Bcl11btm1.2Leid involves: ICR MGI:3839581

involves: C57BL/6 * SJL
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bcl11btm1.2Leid mutation (0 available); any Bcl11b mutation (46 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• die within 6 to 8 hours of birth

• do not feed after birth

immune system
• severe thymic hypocellularity
• absence of alpha beta T lymphocytes


• at E17.5, in an X-gal permeability assay the ventral surface and head stain strongly but the dorsal surface does not
• at E18.5, the only difference from controls is the presence of staining around the eyelids suggesting a delay in barrier establishment
• at E17.5 the rate water loss from the ventral surface is about 2 fold higher than in controls but there is no difference in water loss from the dorsal surface
• at E18.5 the rate water loss from the ventral surface continues to be higher than in controls

hematopoietic system
• severe thymic hypocellularity
• absence of alpha beta T lymphocytes

• at E17.5, in an X-gal permeability assay the ventral surface and head stain strongly but the dorsal surface does not
• at E18.5, the only difference from controls is the presence of staining around the eyelids suggesting a delay in barrier establishment
• at E17.5 the rate water loss from the ventral surface is about 2 fold higher than in controls but there is no difference in water loss from the dorsal surface
• at E18.5 the rate water loss from the ventral surface continues to be higher than in controls
• extremely hypoplastic with decreased numbers of differentiating and cornified cell layers at E17.5 and E18.5
• decrease in the number of proliferating cells and in the expression of differentiation markers
• at E17.5 and E18.5 there is a profound loss of the normal basket weave appearance of the cornified layer
• at E17.5, the surface distribution of neutral lipids is uneven and the intercellular lamellar membranes are disorganized and highly variable in thickness
• corneodesmosomes are reduced in size and corneocytes are more loosely packed compared to controls
• corneodesmosomes are reduced in size and corneocytes are more loosely packed compared to controls
• lipid discs in granule cells are replaced by large vesicles
• about half as thick as in controls

endocrine/exocrine glands
• severe thymic hypocellularity

involves: ICR
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bcl11btm1.2Leid mutation (0 available); any Bcl11b mutation (46 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Defects in tooth development in Bcl11btm1.2Leid/Bcl11btm1.2Leid mice

• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side
• at E16.5 an expansion of the epithelium is seen on the lingual side and the stellate reticulum on the labial side is indiscernible
• at E16.5 the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic and the odontoblasts appear disorganized
• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• molars are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord
• at E16.5 and E18.5 molars are smaller and underdeveloped with a poorly defined enamel knot and hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E14.5 incisor and molar buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 odontoblasts appear disorganized but this effect is less severe than the disruption of cells of the ameloblast lineage
• at E16.5 the ameloblasts appear disorganized and are not polarized unlike in controls
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side, indicating loss of lingual/labial asymmetry of ameloblasts
• at E18.5 expression analysis indicates that ameloblast differentiation and structural integrity are impaired
• at E16.5, the stellate reticulum on the labial side of incisors is indiscernible/reduced
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars display a hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars show a poorly defined enamel knot
• the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord

• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side
• at E16.5 an expansion of the epithelium is seen on the lingual side and the stellate reticulum on the labial side is indiscernible
• at E16.5 the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic and the odontoblasts appear disorganized
• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• molars are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord
• at E16.5 and E18.5 molars are smaller and underdeveloped with a poorly defined enamel knot and hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E14.5 incisor and molar buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 odontoblasts appear disorganized but this effect is less severe than the disruption of cells of the ameloblast lineage
• at E16.5 the ameloblasts appear disorganized and are not polarized unlike in controls
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side, indicating loss of lingual/labial asymmetry of ameloblasts
• at E18.5 expression analysis indicates that ameloblast differentiation and structural integrity are impaired
• at E16.5, the stellate reticulum on the labial side of incisors is indiscernible/reduced
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars display a hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars show a poorly defined enamel knot
• the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord

• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side
• at E16.5 an expansion of the epithelium is seen on the lingual side and the stellate reticulum on the labial side is indiscernible
• at E16.5 the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic and the odontoblasts appear disorganized
• incisors are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• molars are slightly smaller than in controls at all stages examined
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord
• at E16.5 and E18.5 molars are smaller and underdeveloped with a poorly defined enamel knot and hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E14.5 incisor and molar buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E16.5 odontoblasts appear disorganized but this effect is less severe than the disruption of cells of the ameloblast lineage
• at E16.5 the ameloblasts appear disorganized and are not polarized unlike in controls
• at E16.5 cells resembling ameloblasts are found on both the labial and lingual sides of incisors unlike in controls where these cells are confined to the labial side, indicating loss of lingual/labial asymmetry of ameloblasts
• at E18.5 expression analysis indicates that ameloblast differentiation and structural integrity are impaired
• at E16.5, the stellate reticulum on the labial side of incisors is indiscernible/reduced
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars display a hypoplastic stellate reticulum
• at E16.5 and E18.5, molars show a poorly defined enamel knot
• the outer enamel epithelium is hypoplastic
• at E14.5 incisor buds are smaller with an elongated dental cord and this defect persists at E16.5
• at E14.5 molar buds are smaller with a slightly elongated dental cord

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory