• expected numbers are found at birth but all die before P24
• cell loss in the retinal inner nuclear layer is due to loss of amacrine cells
• significant decrease in the number of GABAergic cells
• increase in the number of cholinergic cells
• decrease in the cross sectional area
• increase in the number of ISL1+ cells at the inner edge of the inner neuroblastic layer at P0 - P5
• a more than 2-fold increase in the number of POU4F2- ISL1+ cells (probably representing displaced cholinergic amacrine cells) is seen
• gradual increase in the number of apoptotic cells compared to controls from E16.5 to P0
• decrease in cell number is first detectable at E16.5
• first detectable at E16.5
• about 36% fewer cells at E16.5
• first detectable at E16.5
• at P3, the frequency of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mediated retinal waves measured at the interwave interval is about 50% lower than in controls
• however, at P13 the frequency of glutamate receptor mediated retinal waves measured at the interwave interval is not significantly different from controls
• the average peak frequency of light-evoked responses of ON?OFF directional selective retinal ganglion cells is significantly decreased compared to controls
• however, the average peak frequency of light-evoked responses of ON retinal ganglion cells is not significantly different from controls
• gradual development of impaired coordination with age
nervous system
• cell loss in the retinal inner nuclear layer is due to loss of amacrine cells
• significant decrease in the number of GABAergic cells
• decrease in cell number is first detectable at E16.5
• increase in the number of cholinergic cells
• decrease in the cross sectional area