• following administration of saline intravenously, mice exhibit less of a drop in renin plasma levels compared to in similarly treated wild-type mice
• at high perfusion flows, water absorption is decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• ambient urine osmolarity is reduced compared to in wild-type mice
• however, urine osmolarity responds normally to water deprivation
renal/urinary system
• ambient urine osmolarity is reduced compared to in wild-type mice
• however, urine osmolarity responds normally to water deprivation
• at high perfusion flows, chloride ion concentration in the distal tubule is elevated and chloride ion absorption is low compared to in wild-type mice
• at high perfusion flows, water absorption is decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• at a saturating perfusion rate of 30 nl/min, the maximum tubuloglomerular feedback is reduced compared to in wild-type mice
• at low perfusion rates, tubuloglomerular feedback responsiveness is increased compared to in wild-type mice