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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1.1, Daniel Graf
Summary 4 genotypes
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Bmp7tm1.1Dgra/Bmp7tm1.1Dgra B6.Cg-Bmp7tm1.1Dgra MGI:3847890
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6NTac * CBA/J MGI:6509439
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6NTac * SJL/J MGI:5642218
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6NTac MGI:5642274

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bmp7tm1.1Dgra mutation (0 available); any Bmp7 mutation (37 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
normal phenotype
• mice are indistinguishable from wild-type mice

involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6NTac * CBA/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bmp7tm1.1Dgra mutation (0 available); any Bmp7 mutation (37 available)
H2az2Tg(Wnt1-cre)11Rth mutation (2 available); any H2az2 mutation (27 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• starting at around 3 weeks of age, mice show a failure to thrive with variable onset that leads to death, with only 30% of mice surviving past 8 weeks of age

• mice show decreased exercise capacity at P30, with mice tiring very quickly in an acute speed test and spending more time on the resting plate

• mice exhibit a more acutely angled cranial base at 4 weeks of age but not at P14 or P21
• mice present with a shorter, more acute-angled cranial base
• lengths of the posterior and anterior frontal complex are reduced
• 4-week old mice exhibit a shorter basispenoid which is not seen at P14 or P21
• however, lengths of basioccipital, presphenoid, and ethmoid bones are not changed
• mice show increased frontal bossing and a change to frontal bossing angle at 1 month of age
• mice show depressed nasal bones and changes to nasal depression angle at 1 month of age
• length, but not width, of the nasal bones is reduced
• turbinate development appears disturbed, with reduced branching and ossification, and slight swelling of turbinate soft tissue bilaterally at P14; swelling and reduced turbinate branching are more noticeable at P30
• difference in facial length becomes significant at P21 due to reduced facial growth between the 2- and 3-week time points
• nasal airway obstruction
• all mice develop nasal septum deviation by P30, with variable extent, shape, direction and location and degree of deviation
• mice show a more acute-angled snout at 1 month of age
• mice show a midfacial depression of varying degree from about 2 weeks of age and develop midfacial hypoplasia that becomes prominent around P21

• mice show increased frontal bossing and a change to frontal bossing angle at 1 month of age
• mice show depressed nasal bones and changes to nasal depression angle at 1 month of age
• length, but not width, of the nasal bones is reduced
• turbinate development appears disturbed, with reduced branching and ossification, and slight swelling of turbinate soft tissue bilaterally at P14; swelling and reduced turbinate branching are more noticeable at P30
• difference in facial length becomes significant at P21 due to reduced facial growth between the 2- and 3-week time points
• nasal airway obstruction
• all mice develop nasal septum deviation by P30, with variable extent, shape, direction and location and degree of deviation
• mice show a more acute-angled snout at 1 month of age
• mice show a midfacial depression of varying degree from about 2 weeks of age and develop midfacial hypoplasia that becomes prominent around P21

• mice show decreased exercise capacity at P30, with mice tiring very quickly in an acute speed test and spending more time on the resting plate
• mice with apneas show a lower overall baseline body temperature due to greater body temperature individual variability and lower body temperature during hypoxia
• delta oxygen, the difference in oxygen fraction in the inflow and outflow of the chamber, indicating oxygen consumption, is reduced in mice

respiratory system
• mice show depressed nasal bones and changes to nasal depression angle at 1 month of age
• length, but not width, of the nasal bones is reduced
• turbinate development appears disturbed, with reduced branching and ossification, and slight swelling of turbinate soft tissue bilaterally at P14; swelling and reduced turbinate branching are more noticeable at P30
• nasal airway obstruction
• all mice develop nasal septum deviation by P30, with variable extent, shape, direction and location and degree of deviation
• short respiratory disruptions following a sigh is reduced, whereas prolonged post-sigh events (more than or two apneas following a sigh) are increased
• majority of respiratory disturbances develop following the development of craniofacial abnormalities
• mice with apneas exhibit a lower baseline respiratory frequency and an increase in cycle duration of each respiratory event due to an increase in the inspiratory time
• plethysmopgraphy shows that 50% of mice elicit a greater number of spontaneous apneas in normoxia
• presence of greater number of spontaneous apneas persists during hypoxia, as well as during the first minute of recovery to normoxia
• however, the presence of greater number of spontaneous apneas disappears during hyperoxia

• mice exhibit a more acutely angled cranial base at 4 weeks of age but not at P14 or P21
• mice present with a shorter, more acute-angled cranial base
• lengths of the posterior and anterior frontal complex are reduced
• 4-week old mice exhibit a shorter basispenoid which is not seen at P14 or P21
• however, lengths of basioccipital, presphenoid, and ethmoid bones are not changed
• mice show increased frontal bossing and a change to frontal bossing angle at 1 month of age
• mice show depressed nasal bones and changes to nasal depression angle at 1 month of age
• length, but not width, of the nasal bones is reduced
• turbinate development appears disturbed, with reduced branching and ossification, and slight swelling of turbinate soft tissue bilaterally at P14; swelling and reduced turbinate branching are more noticeable at P30

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
obstructive sleep apnea DOID:0050848 OMIM:107650

involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6J * C57BL/6NTac * SJL/J
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bmp7tm1.1Dgra mutation (0 available); any Bmp7 mutation (37 available)
Tg(Prrx1-cre)1Cjt mutation (2 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
immune system
• slight increase in accumulation of F4/80+ macrophages in the synovial membrane at 4 weeks of age which increases significantly with age, indicating sinovits
• mice show articular cartilage degeneration after 8 weeks of age

• slight increase in accumulation of F4/80+ macrophages in the synovial membrane at 4 weeks of age which increases significantly with age, indicating sinovits
• mice show articular cartilage degeneration after 8 weeks of age
• loss of proteoglycan and aggrecan content in articular cartilage at 8 weeks of age which is severe at 24 weeks
• extensive synovial hyperplasia at 8 and 24 weeks of age

Mouse Models of Human Disease
DO ID OMIM ID(s) Ref(s)
osteoarthritis DOID:8398 J:221175

involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6NTac
Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Bmp4tm4Blh mutation (0 available); any Bmp4 mutation (23 available)
Bmp7tm1.1Dgra mutation (0 available); any Bmp7 mutation (37 available)
Hoxa3tm1(cre)Moon mutation (1 available); any Hoxa3 mutation (24 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
digestive/alimentary system

• hindlimb fusion

• hindlimb fusion

renal/urinary system

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory