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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Keiichi I Nakayama
Summary 1 genotype
Jump to Allelic Composition Genetic Background Genotype ID
Fbxo45tm1Kei/Fbxo45tm1Kei B6.129P2-Fbxo45tm1Kei MGI:3849743

Find Mice Using the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR)
Mouse lines carrying:
Fbxo45tm1Kei mutation (1 available); any Fbxo45 mutation (13 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype
• all die within 30 min after birth

respiratory system
• fail to expand lungs after birth despite apparently normal lung morphology

nervous system
• despite defects in the major axon tracts of the brain outgrowth of axons from cultured neurons appears normal and the morphology of the corpus callosum is normal
• cutaneous sensory neurons display excessive branching with overgrown axons and nerves that are defasciculated
• cells labeled with BrdU on E14.5 are dispersed throughout the cortical plate on E18.5 rather than being concentrated in the outer most layer as in wild-type controls
• cortical interneurons abnormally accumulate in the basal telencephalon where they arise rather than migrating to the cortex or hippocampus
• cortical interneurons abnormally accumulate in the basal telencephalon where they arise rather than migrating to the cortex or hippocampus
• the corticofugal and thalamocortical projections in the subcortical telencephalon are absent
• layer specific differences in staining and cell density are not clearly seen in the cortical plate on P0
• cells labeled with BrdU on E14.5 are dispersed throughout the cortical plate on E18.5 rather than being concentrated in the outer most layer as in wild-type controls
• cutaneous sensory neurons display excessive branching with overgrown axons and nerves that are defasciculated
• the major axon tracts in the brain are abnormal
• the band of acetylcholine receptor clusters in the diaphragm endplate is much narrower compared to wild-type controls at E16.5 and partially aneural at E18.5
• in some mice an ectopic endplate band forms in the region of the pars sternalis of the diaphragm as the result of synapses formed between the right phrenic nerve and the muscle in the left portion of the pars sternalis
• the lateral motor column is poorly formed and the medial motor column is abnormally distributed in the spinal cord
• innervation of the diaphragm is incomplete at E14.5 and E15.5
• branching and projection of the phrenic nerve is impaired with axons failing to reach the most ventral regions of the diaphragm
• in some cases the right and left phrenic nerves extend across the endplate band of muscle in the diaphragm and become entangled

• newborns display a tucked position


• seen at P0

• cutaneous sensory neurons display excessive branching with overgrown axons and nerves that are defasciculated
• cells labeled with BrdU on E14.5 are dispersed throughout the cortical plate on E18.5 rather than being concentrated in the outer most layer as in wild-type controls
• cortical interneurons abnormally accumulate in the basal telencephalon where they arise rather than migrating to the cortex or hippocampus

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory