• mice do not exhibit a Preyers reflex
• mice do not exhibit a startle response to auditory stimulus
nervous system
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• no apparent affect on neuronal production
• mice do not exhibit any overt differences in gross brain morphology compared to controls
• stereocilia of inner hair cells is short and stubby at P0, showing multiple rows of projections of uniform thickness instead of a single row of thick, long projections and shorter transient microvilli
• extra rows of stereocilia persist into adulthood and become short and stubby by P15, lacking the flexible tapered base and a staircase structure
• in outer hair cells, hair bundles are much flatter than the V-shaped stereocilia of controls
• 1.5-6.5% of outer hair cells show a spilt hair bundle in which 2 separate sterocilia clusters form at the apical surface of a single cell, with the kinocilium adjacent to only one cluster
• severity of hair bundle defects increases over time
• hair bundles are misoriented, with a broader distribution of hair bundle orientation in the 2nd and 3rd rows of outer hair cells
• an average of 11% of hair cells is misoriented
• orientation of apical divisions of the dorsolateral brain are randomized
• Pax6 expressing daughter cells appear in the subventricular zone
• stereocilia of inner hair cells is short and stubby at P0, showing multiple rows of projections of uniform thickness instead of a single row of thick, long projections and shorter transient microvilli
• extra rows of stereocilia persist into adulthood and become short and stubby by P15, lacking the flexible tapered base and a staircase structure
• in outer hair cells, hair bundles are much flatter than the V-shaped stereocilia of controls
• 1.5-6.5% of outer hair cells show a spilt hair bundle in which 2 separate sterocilia clusters form at the apical surface of a single cell, with the kinocilium adjacent to only one cluster
• severity of hair bundle defects increases over time
• hair bundles are misoriented, with a broader distribution of hair bundle orientation in the 2nd and 3rd rows of outer hair cells
• an average of 11% of hair cells is misoriented
• P17 mice show increased hearing threshold across all tested frequencies and an ABR response is not detected at the highest tested intensity of 100 dB
• orientation of apical divisions of the dorsolateral brain are randomized
• results in Pax6 expressing daughter cells appearing in the subventricular zone