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• while organ size is reduced to various degrees, all organs are present and correctly localized unlike in Shh-null mice
• body weight of mice is 11% less than controls
nervous system
• granule cell precursor proliferation in the external granule cell layer is 30% less than controls at 3 days of age
• apoptosis is also decreased
• brain weight is 13% less than controls
• olfactory bulb is 30% smaller by weight than controls
• cerebella is 31% smaller by weight than controls, which is disproportionately smaller to other organs
• proliferation of neural stem/precursors in the adult SVZ is decreased compared to controls
• proliferation of neural stem/precursors in E10.5 SVZ is decreased compared to controls
• eyes are small but are well-spaced unlike Shh-null mice that have improperly spaced eyes