reproductive system
• decidualization is not apparent in uteri of mutants
• uterus is twisted
• 4 fold reduction in number endometrial uterine glands
• stromal layer of the uterus is thinner than controls
small uterus
• uterus is smaller than controls
• reduction in number of motile sperm in the vas deferens, but not the epididymis
• presence of apoptotic cells in the vas deferens
• 17/20 mice exhibit a abnormal morphology from corpus to caput
• epididymis exhibits a widening of the cauda in 17/20 mice
• reduction in number of sperm in the vas deferens
• presence of apoptotic cells in the vas deferens
• twisting of the ductus deferens in 17/20 mice
• implantation and decidualization sites are not detected in mutant uterus
• decidualization is not apparent in uteri of mutants
endocrine/exocrine glands
• reduction in sebaceous glands by 2 months of age (prior to onset of blepharitis)
• 4 fold reduction in number endometrial uterine glands
• pups are smaller than controls at P14
• pups are 60% of the weight of litter mates at weaning
immune system
• chronic blepharitis
• ulceration of the corneal epithelium and basal lamina clefts
• reduction in sebaceous glands by 2 months of age (prior to onset of blepharitis)
• heterozygote x heterozygote matings produce fewer homozygotes (14%) than the expected Mendelian ratios (25%)
adipose tissue
• 2-3 month old males have a reduced percentage of abdominal fat
• xiphoid process is attached at T8 rather than T7
• ribs are attached in a staggered manner to the sternum
• 60% of mice have an 8th rib attached to the rib cage
• chronic blepharitis
• ulceration of the corneal epithelium and basal lamina clefts
• 4/7 mice exhibit abnormal expansion of corneal epithelium and disorganization of the basal lamina by 2 months of age (prior to onset of blepharitis)