• at E9.5 some embryos show signs of resorption and by E10.5 all embryos are in resorption
• contain large blood sinusoids instead of the normal vascular trees
• most embryos are unturned at E9.5
• anterior ectoderm is expanded and disorganized, especially towards the midline
• the amount of mesodermal tissues seems decreased compared to wild-type controls
• posterior axis truncation at E8.0
• complete absence of the posterior parts of the embryo at E8.5
• severe growth retardation at E9.5
• fails to fold properly at E8.0 and E8.5
• unfolded at E9.5
• abnormally expanded and improperly folded neural plate at E8.0
• at E8.5 the plate fails to fold properly but continues to expand in the anterior part of the embryo
• at E8.0 and E8.5
• severe vascular remodeling defects at E8.75
cardiovascular system
• absence of intersomitic vasculature
• absence of intersomitic vasculature
• at E8.5 no vessels are detected on the dorsal side of the head
• by E9.5 disorganized vascular networks are present on the dorsal side of the head in some embryos
• absence of the dorsal aorta
• contain large blood sinusoids instead of the normal vascular trees
• at E9.5 the cardiogenic plates are unfused
• absence of heart rudiments at E8.0 and E8.5
• at E9.5 the cardiogenic plates are still unfused
nervous system
• abnormally expanded and improperly folded neural plate at E8.0
• at E8.5 the plate fails to fold properly but continues to expand in the anterior part of the embryo
• severe growth retardation at E9.5