• mice exhibit unilateral eye blinks and ear twitches in the absence of overt seizures unlike wild-type mice
• seizures are preceded by eye blinking, and after seizures mice exhibit residual ear and eye twitches
• following seizures, mice exhibit residual ear and eye twitches
• mice exhibit unilateral eye blinks and ear twitches in the absence of overt seizures unlike wild-type mice
• female, but not male, mice exhibit increased distance travel in an open field test compared with wild-type mice
• male and female mice exhibit increased latency to respond in a hot plate assay compared with wild-type mice
• however, nociception in a formalin test is normal
• after 5 months, some mice exhibit seizures after handling
• after 5 months, 10 of 26 mice exhibit spontaneous convulsive seizures compared with 2 to 11 wild-type mice
• seizures occur when cage is opened or after mice handling, are preceded by eye blinking, and consist of head tilt, eye closure, and full body muscle spasm, followed by falling onto the side and continuing to spasm for 1 to 10 seconds
• seizure activity characterized by fast spiking concurrence with muscle potential during the tonic phase
• termination of convulsion is characterized by electroencephalographic voltage depression after a slow spike transition
nervous system
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• unlike in Hdac4tm1Eno homozygotes, the brain and spinal cord are normal
• after 5 months, some mice exhibit seizures after handling
• after 5 months, 10 of 26 mice exhibit spontaneous convulsive seizures compared with 2 to 11 wild-type mice
• seizures occur when cage is opened or after mice handling, are preceded by eye blinking, and consist of head tilt, eye closure, and full body muscle spasm, followed by falling onto the side and continuing to spasm for 1 to 10 seconds
• seizure activity characterized by fast spiking concurrence with muscle potential during the tonic phase
• termination of convulsion is characterized by electroencephalographic voltage depression after a slow spike transition
• in male mice at 12 months
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• unlike in Hdac4tm1Eno homozygotes, the vertebral column is normal