• each of the two males tested produced one litter at 42 days postpartum (dpp); however, both males failed to produce a second litter by 98 dpp
reproductive system
• 3-D transparent images of the antral follicle and the Graffian follicle showed that the sizes of oocytes are smaller than those in wild-type follicles
• at 6 weeks of age, oocyte volumes in antral and Graffian follicles are decreased by 42% and 37%, respectively, indicating defects in oocyte quality at the preovulatory stage
• average number of pre-antral follicles (equal to or larger than 50um in diameter) per ovary is reduced by 36%, 43% and 38%, respectively, in 6-, 16- and 43-week-old females
• average number of antral follicles per ovary is reduced by 47%, 22% and 46%, respectively, in 6-, 16- and 43-week-old females
• however, the volume of the antrum cavity in Graffian follicles is not altered at any age
• expression levels of 17 genes involved in both early and later folliculogenesis are significantly decreased, suggesting defects in folliculogenesis
• at 6 weeks of age, 3-D segmented images of the whole ovary showed that the volume fraction of the stroma is increased from 56% to 64% relative to the wild-type ovary
• each of the two males tested produced one litter at 42 days postpartum (dpp); however, both males failed to produce a second litter by 98 dpp
• six-week-old females fail to produce litters despite the presence of copulatory plugs
• males fail to produce a second litter after 42 dpp
• 3-D transparent images of the antral follicle and the Graffian follicle showed that the sizes of oocytes are smaller than those in wild-type follicles
• at 6 weeks of age, oocyte volumes in antral and Graffian follicles are decreased by 42% and 37%, respectively, indicating defects in oocyte quality at the preovulatory stage
endocrine/exocrine glands
• average number of pre-antral follicles (equal to or larger than 50um in diameter) per ovary is reduced by 36%, 43% and 38%, respectively, in 6-, 16- and 43-week-old females
• average number of antral follicles per ovary is reduced by 47%, 22% and 46%, respectively, in 6-, 16- and 43-week-old females
• however, the volume of the antrum cavity in Graffian follicles is not altered at any age
• expression levels of 17 genes involved in both early and later folliculogenesis are significantly decreased, suggesting defects in folliculogenesis
• at 6 weeks of age, 3-D segmented images of the whole ovary showed that the volume fraction of the stroma is increased from 56% to 64% relative to the wild-type ovary