endocrine/exocrine glands
• degeneration phenotype is variable, ranging from sloughing into the lumen of the tubule to development of large vacuoles and a Sertoli cell only phenotype with complete loss of germ cells
immune system
reproductive system
• degeneration phenotype is variable, ranging from sloughing into the lumen of the tubule to development of large vacuoles and a Sertoli cell only phenotype with complete loss of germ cells
• asynchronous spermatogenesis, with multiple generations of developing spermatids in the same cross-section of the seminiferous tubule
• reduced numbers of sperm within the epididymis
• reduced viability postnatally, with reduced numbers by weaning age
• however, cell size in organs is normal
• runting at postnatal stages
• reduced numbers of sperm within the epididymis
• in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
hematopoietic system