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• in contrast to experiments using MEFs, homozygous mice are as susceptible as wild-type controls to anthrax lethal toxin induced lethality
• mice are also as susceptible as wild-type controls to anthrax edema toxin induced lethality
• in contrast to mice homozygous for Antxr2tm1.2Lepp, mice are as susceptible to Bacillus anthracis Ames strain (A35) induced lethality as littermate controls
• the concentration of anthrax toxin protective antigen required to kill 50% of MEF cells in the presence of FP59 is increased to 2.7 ng/ml compared to 1.8 ng/ml for wild-type cells
• addition of ammonium chloride completely protects MEFs from anthrax toxin protective antigen plus FP59 induced cell death
reproductive system
• females but not males are infertile
• most mice develop progressively misaligned incisors from about 3 weeks to 3 months of age; this can be rescued by feeding soft food
immune system
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• in contrast to mice homozygous for Antxr2tm1.2Lepp, mice are as susceptible to Bacillus anthracis Ames strain (A35) induced lethality as littermate controls
• most mice develop progressively misaligned incisors from about 3 weeks to 3 months of age; this can be rescued by feeding soft food
• most mice develop progressively misaligned incisors from about 3 weeks to 3 months of age; this can be rescued by feeding soft food