• when dams are treated with doxycycline (dox) until E16, double transgenic offspring are runted postnatally and display a failure to thrive
nervous system
• modest numbers of T lymphocytes are observed scattered throughout the cerebellum of double transgenic animals that received dox treatment until E16; this is not observed in controls
• at P14, external granule layer (EGL) persists in mutants that receive dox until E16 whereas in controls the EGL is no longer present
• at P14, numerous proliferating cells are detected, as well as increased vasculature, when animals received dox until E16
• double transgenic pups which received dox during development until E16 show significant enlargement of the cerebellum at P14
• gliosis and astrocyte hypertrophy is also observed
immune system
• at P14, IFN-g protein was detectable only in lysates of cerebellum from double transgenic mice that had been released from doxycycline at E16, but not in control samples
• modest numbers of T lymphocytes are observed scattered throughout the cerebellum of double transgenic animals that received dox treatment until E16; this is not observed in controls