• Haloperidol, a dopamine receptor antagonist, ameliorates the hyperlocomotion both in dark and light phases
• Clozapine, a DA/serotonin receptor antagonist, reduces the locomotor activity only in light phase
• PPI deficits are significantly reversed by atypical antipsychotics, risperidone and clozapine but not by a typical neuroleptic haloperidol
• Clozapine, but not haloperidol, significantly attenuates the decreased social interaction behavior
• in a Y maze, mice display a significant decrease in alternation compared to control mice
• mice are more active than control mice over the 24-hr period (both dark and light phases)
• during the first 0-3 hr in a novel environment, KO mice are more active than control mice
• Haloperidol, a dopamine receptor antagonist, ameliorates the hyperlocomotion both in dark and light phases
• Clozapine, a DA/serotonin receptor antagonist, reduces the locomotor activity only in light phase
• the mean duration per contact as well as the time of the interaction are significantly less than in control mice
• Clozapine, but not haloperidol, significantly attenuates the decreased social interaction behavior
nervous system
• the number of spines per 10 mm of dendritic segment are lower in KO than in control mice
• diminished PPI at prepulse intensities at both 73 and 76 dB
• PPI deficits are significantly reversed by atypical antipsychotics, risperidone and clozapine but not by a typical neuroleptic haloperidol