• unlike in wild-type mice no sex specific difference is detected in the latency to begin eating (hyponeophagia) is detected
• male mice are less anxious, with a lower number of stretched-attend postures and a higher % of unprotected head-dippings when compared to their wild-type littermates
• unlike in wild-type mice, there is no difference in anxiety level between males and females
• there are no differences in light-dark exploration between wild type and null mice-normal
• female mutant mice travel a significantly smaller proportion of distance in the center of an arena as compared to the wild-type females
• absence of sex specific differences in locomoter activity
• female mutant mice are significantly less active in terms of number of rearings
• female mutant mice are significantly less active in terms of distance travelled and number of corner entries compared to wild-type females
• male mice spent substantially more time in active social interaction than male wild-type mice and female mutant mice.
• absence of sex specific differences between male (lower) and female (higher) mice in restraint-induced corticosterone elevation
• restraint induced elevation in corticosterone level is decreased in females compared to wild-type females