• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice die around E11.5
• however, mice exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E8.5 survive to term
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice lack presomitic and posterior mesoderm
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice exhibit a shortened anterior posterior axis by E8.5 compared with Cdx2tm1.1Lhn homozygotes
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E8.5, mice exhibit axial truncation at the level of the sacral vertebrae at E18.5
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice lack presomitic mesoderm
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice fail to develop hind limb buds
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, somites after the first 5 through 7 are progressively smaller than in Cdx2tm1.1Lhn homozygotes
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice have fewer, more posteriorly located somites at E9.5 and E10.5 compared with Cdx2tm1.1Lhn homozygotes
• when mice are exposed to tamoxifen beginning at E5.5, mice fail to develop hind limb buds