normal phenotype
• on normal chow, homozygotes are viable, fertile and show no significant differences in body weight, food intake, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, respiratory quotient, energy expenditure, or locomotor activity during the light and dark phases of the light cycles relative to wild-type controls
• no significant genotype differences are noted in body weight, food intake, energy expenditure or locomotor acivity on a high-fat diet (HFD) for 9 wks
• no significant genotypic differences in body composition are noted on standard chow or HFD, except that chow-fed homozygotes tend to have higher body fat content than chow-fed wild-type controls
• no significant genotypic differences in hypothalamic Agrp (agouti-related peptide) mRNA expression and plasma AGRP levels in the fasted (4 hr) and refed state
• normal hypothalamic Agrp mRNA expression and plasma AGRP levels on a HFD
• no significant genotype differences in glucose or insulin tolerance on normal chow or HFD, indicating normal glycemic control