reproductive system
• adult seminiferous tubules lack haploid cells (round spermatids and spermatozoa); some tubules are also depleted of spermatocytes
• meiotic double-strand breaks (DSBs) are absent or severely reduced in both spermatocytes and oocytes, as shown by detection of gammaH2AX
• however, formation of chromosome axes is normal based on SYCP3 detection
• both male and female meiocytes show defective assembly of SYCP1, a component of the synaptonemal complex
• although short SYCP1 stretches are observed suggesting progression into zygonema, these stretches fail to elongate and form a full-length synaptonemal complex, indicating failure of homologous synapsis
• short SYCP1 stretches are observed but fail to elongate and form a full-length synaptonemal complex
• at 2 weeks of age, females show severe defects in oogenesis
• leptotene oocytes (E15) show a 11-fold decrease in gammaH2AX signal relative to wild-type cells, indicating a severe reduction in meiotic DSBs
• primary follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• primordial follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• secondary follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• adult seminiferous tubules lack haploid cells (round spermatids and spermatozoa); some tubules are also depleted of spermatocytes
• seminiferous tubule diameter is smaller than that in wild-type controls
• at 8-10 weeks of age, testis weight is significantly lower than that in wild-type controls
• however, body weight is normal
• at 9 weeks of age, males show severe defects in testis tubule development
• both focus and aggregate formation of ANKRD31, REC114, and MEI4 are disrupted in spermatocytes
• leptotene spermatocytes (13 dpp) show a 16-fold decrease in gammaH2AX signal relative to wild-type cells, indicating a severe reduction in meiotic DSBs
• matings of female homozygotes with wild-type males failed to yield any progeny over a 4-month period
• matings of male homozygotes with wild-type females failed to yield any progeny over a 4-month period
endocrine/exocrine glands
• primary follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• primordial follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• secondary follicles are severely reduced in number at 2 weeks of age and nearly absent at 8 weeks of age
• adult seminiferous tubules lack haploid cells (round spermatids and spermatozoa); some tubules are also depleted of spermatocytes
• seminiferous tubule diameter is smaller than that in wild-type controls
• at 8-10 weeks of age, testis weight is significantly lower than that in wild-type controls
• however, body weight is normal
• both focus and aggregate formation of ANKRD31, REC114, and MEI4 are disrupted in spermatocytes
• adult seminiferous tubules lack haploid cells (round spermatids and spermatozoa); some tubules are also depleted of spermatocytes
• meiotic double-strand breaks (DSBs) are absent or severely reduced in both spermatocytes and oocytes, as shown by detection of gammaH2AX
• however, formation of chromosome axes is normal based on SYCP3 detection
• both male and female meiocytes show defective assembly of SYCP1, a component of the synaptonemal complex
• although short SYCP1 stretches are observed suggesting progression into zygonema, these stretches fail to elongate and form a full-length synaptonemal complex, indicating failure of homologous synapsis
• leptotene spermatocytes (13 dpp) show a 16-fold decrease in gammaH2AX signal relative to wild-type cells, indicating a severe reduction in meiotic DSBs
• short SYCP1 stretches are observed but fail to elongate and form a full-length synaptonemal complex
• at 2 weeks of age, females show severe defects in oogenesis
• leptotene oocytes (E15) show a 11-fold decrease in gammaH2AX signal relative to wild-type cells, indicating a severe reduction in meiotic DSBs
• DSB repair foci of DMC1 are significantly reduced in spermatocytes and oocytes relative to those in wild-type cells; RPA2 and RAD51 foci are also severely reduced or undetectable
• however, reduction of DSB repair foci is not due to absence of SPO11 in mutant spermatocytes
• DSB repair foci of DMC1 are significantly reduced in spermatocytes and oocytes relative to those in wild-type cells; RPA2 and RAD51 foci are also severely reduced or undetectable
• however, reduction of DSB repair foci is not due to absence of SPO11 in mutant spermatocytes