• in one mouse
• despite normal atherogenic lesions and lipid serum levels, mice fed a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet exhibit increased mortality compared with similarly treated wild-type mice
• mice are less likely than wild-type mice to survive up to 55 weeks
• mortality between birth and weaning is increased compared to in wild-type mice
• fewer than expected mice are present from E11.5 to E16.5
• 9 of 20 mice develop internal neoplasms or tumors unlike wild-type mice
• some mice develop sarcomas including hemangiosarcoma and osteosarcoma unlike wild-type mice
• in some mice
• in one mouse
• in one mouse
cardiovascular system
• aortic smooth muscle cells exhibit delayed senescence in culture compared with wild-type cells
• aortic smooth muscle cells a 2-fold increase in proliferation compared with wild-type cells
• aortic smooth muscle cells a 2-fold increase in proliferation compared with wild-type cells
• embryonic fibroblasts exhibit a 3-fold increase in proliferation compared with wild-type cells
• aortic smooth muscle cells and embryonic fibroblasts exhibit delayed senescence compared with wild-type cells
• when fed a standard diet, body weight is increase 17% by 30 weeks compared with wild-type mice
reproductive system
• one mouse develops metritis unlike wild-type mice
immune system
liver/biliary system
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• mice exhibit normal atherogenic lesions and lipid serum levels in response to a high-fat, high-cholesterol diet
hematopoietic system
• aortic smooth muscle cells exhibit delayed senescence in culture compared with wild-type cells
• aortic smooth muscle cells a 2-fold increase in proliferation compared with wild-type cells