• disorganized or V-shaped stereocilia lacking a staircase pattern and missing the tip link are found by 28 days of age
• tip link loss by 21 days of age
• although the cochlear turn region is normal at 2 weeks of age, by 1 month of age inner hair cell degeneration is found, at 2 months of age outer hair cell degeneration is found, and hair cell loss progresses base to apex
• at 2 months of age there is activated caspase in the outer hair cells at the basal turn
• by 3 months of age approximately 75% of inner hair cells are lost from the extreme apex, but not the base of the cochlea
• by 3 months of age nearly all outer hair cells are lost except for a few in the apical third of the cochlea
• at 3 months of age there is hearing loss at a wide range of sound frequencies with ABR thresholds increased from 30 dB to 100 dB at frequencies over 8 kHz
• relative to C57BL/6J controls homozygotes have hearing loss across a wide range of sound frequencies
nervous system
• disorganized or V-shaped stereocilia lacking a staircase pattern and missing the tip link are found by 28 days of age
• tip link loss by 21 days of age
• although the cochlear turn region is normal at 2 weeks of age, by 1 month of age inner hair cell degeneration is found, at 2 months of age outer hair cell degeneration is found, and hair cell loss progresses base to apex
• at 2 months of age there is activated caspase in the outer hair cells at the basal turn
• by 3 months of age approximately 75% of inner hair cells are lost from the extreme apex, but not the base of the cochlea
• by 3 months of age nearly all outer hair cells are lost except for a few in the apical third of the cochlea