• homozygotes generally show embryonic lethality at late stages of gestation with unknown cause
cleft palate
• at E15.5, mutant embryos show cleft palates in the roof of the oral cavity
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are malformed
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are smaller than wild type
• at E15.5, mutant forelimbs exhibit polydactyly
• mutant embryos exhibit deviated ulnar formation
• at E18.5, alcian blue/alizarin red staining revealed delayed ossification in the digits
• mutant embryos exhibit elongated primary cilia and reduced Shh signaling during limb digit patterning
short limbs
• at E18.5
• at E18.5, mutant long bones are severely distorted and shortened
• mutant embryos exhibit deviated ulnar formation
• at E18.5
• mutant embryos show delayed skeletal development
• at E18.5, mutant embryos exhibit reduced bone mineralization
• at E18.5, alcian blue/alizarin red staining revealed delayed ossification in the digits
nervous system
N |
• at E10.5, homozygotes show normal ventral neural tube patterning, as determined by Shh-regulated neuronal cell identity markers
• at E15.5, mutant embryos display severely dilated ventricles in the developing telencephalon
digestive/alimentary system
cleft palate
• at E15.5, mutant embryos show cleft palates in the roof of the oral cavity
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are malformed
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are smaller than wild type
cleft palate
• at E15.5, mutant embryos show cleft palates in the roof of the oral cavity
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are malformed
• at E15.5, mutant tongues are smaller than wild type
renal/urinary system
• at E16.5, mutant kidneys show cyst-like tubule expansion
• at E11.5, primary cilia in mutant limb buds are 2.5-fold longer than those in wild type limb buds
• scanning EM confirmed that primary cilia in the mutant limb ectoderm are significantly longer relative to wild-type controls
• however, transmission EM showed normal primary cilia ultrastructure in the limb mesenchyme at the level of basal body or axoneme
• no defects in ciliary formation are observed in the spinal neural tube at E10.5
Mouse Models of Human Disease |
DO ID | OMIM ID(s) | Ref(s) | |
endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia syndrome | DOID:0060641 |
OMIM:612651 |
J:211652 |