• die shortly after E11.5
• tetraploid complementation allows embryos to survive to at least E13
• at E10.5 embryos resemble E9.5 embryos
• at E10.5 the overall size of the embryonic part of the placenta is reduced compared to heterozygous littermates
• mingling of embryonic and maternal blood vessels is reduced with embryonic red blood
• cells restricted to superficial layers rather than deeply penetrating into the labyrinth layer
• smaller compared to heterozygous littermates at E10.5
• expression analysis indicates a decrease in the number of cells in the labyrinth layer
• expression analysis indicates a decrease in the number of spongiotrophoblast layer cells
• at E10.5 - E11.5, the amount of blood in the yolk sac is reduced
• at E10.5 cell cycle length is increased in cells in the placenta
• at E10.5 apoptosis is increased in the labyrinth layer and the chorionic plate
cardiovascular system
• mingling of embryonic and maternal blood vessels is reduced with embryonic red blood
• cells restricted to superficial layers rather than deeply penetrating into the labyrinth layer