reproductive system
• in almost all of the sperm, the equatorial segment membrane was completely lost in mutant sperm among acrosome-reacted sperm
• The acrosome-intact mutant sperm were morphologically similar to wild-type sperm
• sperm from homozygous null males showed a delayed onset of fertilization ratio compared with wild-type males
• mutant male sperm have defects in migrating into the oviduct
• no decrease in number of ejaculated sperm nor decreased sperm motility
• Although homozygous null females show normal fertility, both heterozygous and homozygous null males had statistically significant fewer offspring than wild-type males both in vivo and in vitro
• There was no difference observed in the number, motility and swimming patterns of sperm obtained from mutant mice compared with those of wild-type mice.
• using zona-free eggs, sperm from both heterozygous and homozygous null mice had significantly less fusion ability compared with wild-type sperm in vitro
• in almost all of the sperm, the equatorial segment membrane was completely lost in mutant sperm among acrosome-reacted sperm
• The acrosome-intact mutant sperm were morphologically similar to wild-type sperm