• no viable homozygotes are observed after E10.5
cardiovascular system
• at E9.5, the mesenchymal cells are largely absent from the forming outflow tract cushions
• heart is thinner and dilated at E9.5
• hearts are hypotrabeculated at E9.5
• a forming aortico-pulmonary (AP) septum is not visible at E9.5
• hearts appear large at E9.5 compared with overall embryo size
• heart is thinner and dilated at E9.5
• pharyngeal mesoderm proximal to the outflow tract is reduced at E9.5
• crooked neural tube in the caudal region
• yolk sac blistering due to separation of the visceral mesoderm and endoderm of the yolk sac
• placental insufficiency
nervous system
• crooked neural tube in the caudal region
• decrease in the rate of global cell proliferation at E9.5
• hearts are hypotrabeculated at E9.5
• hearts appear large at E9.5 compared with overall embryo size