endocrine/exocrine glands
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• with doxycycline food during pregnancy female mice develop functional mammary glands during pregnancy and are able to feed their pups
• expanded alveoli lined with differentiated secretory cells, with proteinaceous material and lipid droplets in the lumen after doxycycline treatment
• formation of alveolar structures and functional differentiation of luminal cells after doxycycline treatment
• the mutant mice generate CD61+ luminal progenitor cells during pregnancy to a similar extent as Stat5a/Stat5btm2Mam control mice
reproductive system
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• with doxycycline food during pregnancy female mice develop functional mammary glands during pregnancy and are able to feed their pups
• expanded alveoli lined with differentiated secretory cells, with proteinaceous material and lipid droplets in the lumen after doxycycline treatment
• formation of alveolar structures and functional differentiation of luminal cells after doxycycline treatment
• the mutant mice generate CD61+ luminal progenitor cells during pregnancy to a similar extent as Stat5a/Stat5btm2Mam control mice