immune system
• primary bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) and fibroblasts transfected with 8 ug/mL of interferon stimulatory DNA (ISD) or cGAMP (the activating ligand of STING1) fail to show induction of Ifnb1 (interferon beta 1, fibroblast) mRNA levels, unlike similarly treated wild-type cells
• primary BMDMs infected by S. aureus at MOI = 100 show a significant decrease in Ifnb1 mRNA expression relative to similarly infected wild-type BMDMs, with no change in Tnf (tumor necrosis factor) mRNA levels
• however, BMDMs infected by K. pneumoniae show normal Ifnb1 and Tnf mRNA expression
• newborn pups i.p. injected with wild-type Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV) or MLVgGag (a mutant MLV with an unstable capsid) show significantly higher splenic viral titers at 16 dpi than similarly infected wild-type controls or Ifi207em1(IMPC)Wtsi homozygotes