• disorganization of stereocilia reminiscent of that in mice homozygous for Ushg1js
• disorganization of stereocilia reminiscent of that in mice homozygous for Ushg1js
• bundles are often fragmented in two or more clumps of stereocilia
• often mispositioned
• some stereocilia bundles are fragmented
• maximal amplitudes of mechanoelectric transduction (MET) currents are markedly reduced in inner and outer hair cells at P5
• average sensitivity of the MET currents to hair bundle displacement is decreased by about 50% in both inner and outer hair cells
• at P1 in utricular hair cells of the vestibule with intact stereocilia bundles the maximal amplitudes of MET currents are about 30% that of controls
• absent at all sound frequencies even at the highest intensity (105 dB SPL) tested
nervous system
• disorganization of stereocilia reminiscent of that in mice homozygous for Ushg1js
• disorganization of stereocilia reminiscent of that in mice homozygous for Ushg1js
• bundles are often fragmented in two or more clumps of stereocilia
• often mispositioned
• some stereocilia bundles are fragmented
• maximal amplitudes of mechanoelectric transduction (MET) currents are markedly reduced in inner and outer hair cells at P5
• average sensitivity of the MET currents to hair bundle displacement is decreased by about 50% in both inner and outer hair cells
• at P1 in utricular hair cells of the vestibule with intact stereocilia bundles the maximal amplitudes of MET currents are about 30% that of controls
• often mispositioned