• when the allele is paternally inherited, female mice die by E10.5
• at E7.5 in female embryos when the allele is paternally inherited
• at E8.5 and E9.5 in female embryos when the allele is paternally inherited
• when the allele is paternally inherited, E9.5 female mice exhibit incomplete caudal fusion unlike wild-type mice
• when the allele is paternally inherited, female mice fail to develop a placenta unlike wild-type male mice
• at E7.5 in female embryos when the allele is paternally inherited
• at E8.5 and E9.5 in female embryos when the allele is paternally inherited
• when the allele is paternally inherited, female mice fail to exhibit X-linked gene silencing compared with wild-type mice
nervous system
• when the allele is paternally inherited, E9.5 female mice exhibit incomplete caudal fusion unlike wild-type mice