• when fed regular chow and 40% fructose solution, homozygotes show a severe mortality rate and die within 3 days, unlike control littermates
• when fed fructose-free chow and water, homozygotes display normal survival
• when exposed to low levels of fructose prior to weaning, homozygotes tend to be smaller than control littermates at weaning
• after weaning, if fed a fructose-free chow, homozygotes reach the same size as control littermates within two weeks
liver/biliary system
• mutant livers show an increase in inflammatory cells within the first day of exposure to a 40% fructose solution
• homozygotes that expire due to fructose ingestion exhibit abnormal liver gross anatomy and a firmer liver texture
• on a high fructose diet, mutant livers show significant damage and tissue tearing
• mutant livers display altered morphology of the portal triad within the first day of exposure to a 40% fructose solution
• mutant livers show increased lipid deposits relative to wild-type controls, even with little (40%) or no fructose in the diet for 21 days
• mutant livers exhibit stress fibers within the first day of exposure to a 40% fructose solution
pale liver
• homozygotes that expire following fructose ingestion show clearly discolored livers
immune system
• mutant livers show an increase in inflammatory cells within the first day of exposure to a 40% fructose solution