reproductive system
• multinucleated giant cells are detected unlike in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• 9-fold increased compared with Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• very few sperm are motile unlike in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
small testis
• 2-fold
• daily sperm production from spermatozoa is reduced compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• seminiferous tubules exhibit premature sloughing of germ cells compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• sperm tails exhibit cytoplasmic droplets unlike cells from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• epididymal tubules lack sperm
• mice exhibit a deficiency in postmeitotic cells (round, elongated spermatids and sperm cells) compared with Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• the number of spermatozoa is decreased compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• sperm cells exhibit oval small heads, are headless, or are decapitated compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• the number of postmeitotic cells is decreased compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• meiosis is delayed compared to in cells from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• however, mice exhibit normal synapsis of homologous chromosomes and formation of XY-body
• 2-fold
• female mice produce smaller litters than compared with Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• female mice produce smaller litters than wild-type mice
• male mice are unable to produce any offspring unlike Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• sperm tails exhibit cytoplasmic droplets unlike cells from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• epididymal tubules lack sperm
• mice exhibit a deficiency in postmeitotic cells (round, elongated spermatids and sperm cells) compared with Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• the number of spermatozoa is decreased compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• sperm cells exhibit oval small heads, are headless, or are decapitated compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• multinucleated giant cells are detected unlike in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• the number of postmeitotic cells is decreased compared to in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• meiosis is delayed compared to in cells from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• however, mice exhibit normal synapsis of homologous chromosomes and formation of XY-body
• 9-fold increased compared with Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• very few sperm are motile unlike in Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• pachytene spermatocytes exhibit impaired double-strand DNA repair compared with cell from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
• pachytene spermatocytes exhibit impaired double-strand DNA repair compared with cell from Cul4atm1.1Pra homozygotes
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis
• 2-fold