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Summary 1 genotype
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Kdrorv/Kdrorv involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * FVB/NJ MGI:5006953

involves: 129S1/Sv * C57BL/6 * FVB/NJ
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Mouse lines carrying:
Kdrorv mutation (0 available); any Kdr mutation (74 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Absence of blood cells and vasculature in E9.5-10.5 Kdrorv/Kdrorv embryos


cardiovascular system
• form no blood vessels; PECAM1 immunostaining revealed the total absence of endothelial cells, primary vessels and secondary capillaries in E8.5-10.0 embryos

• abnormal pharyngeal hinge morphology; the mandibular prominence is reduced in size, particularly at the narrow proximal end, with the suggestion that the mandibular and maxillary prominences are separated
• agenesis of the fourth pharyngeal arch
• at E8.5-9.5, exhibit a failure of cranial neural crest cell colonization of the second pharyngeal arch
• agenesis of the third pharyngeal arch

• at E8.5-9.5, rhombomere 3-5 derived neural crest cells failed to migrate beyond the proximal extent of the second pharyngeal arch, and caudal to the otic vesicle there is an apparent loss of migrating neural crest cells
• agenesis of the fourth pharyngeal arch
• at E8.5-9.5, exhibit a failure of cranial neural crest cell colonization of the second pharyngeal arch
• agenesis of the third pharyngeal arch
• at E9.5, mutant embryos are one half to two-thirds the size of control littermates
• Sox10 positive neural crest cells are observed in the cranial territory prior to ganglia maturation in mutants suggesting that defects occur at the level of neural crest cell differentiation
• failure in chorio-allantoic fusion

• at E9.5, mutant embryos are one half to two-thirds the size of control littermates

nervous system
• at E10.5, mutants exhibit only rudimentary neuronal differentiation within the cranial ganglia and a complete lack of neuronal differentiation within the midbrain
• at E10.5, there is little evidence of neuronal differentiation caudal to the trigeminal ganglion and no evidence of any axonal branching throughout the cranial region
• at E10.5, the midbrain neuronal plexus is conspicuously absent in orvieto mutants
• Sox10 positive neural crest cells are observed in the cranial territory prior to ganglia maturation in mutants suggesting that defects occur at the level of neural crest cell differentiation
• E10.5 mutants exhibit a pattern of a single domain of neurofilament or beta-tubulin staining localized to the proximal end of the first pharyngeal arch, probably representing a rudimentary trigeminal ganglion

• at E8.5-9.5, rhombomere 3-5 derived neural crest cells failed to migrate beyond the proximal extent of the second pharyngeal arch, and caudal to the otic vesicle there is an apparent loss of migrating neural crest cells

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Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory