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Phenotypes associated with this allele
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targeted mutation 1, Lexicon Pharmaceuticals
Summary 1 genotype
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Mia3tm1Lex/Mia3tm1Lex involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6 MGI:5009425

involves: 129S5/SvEvBrd * C57BL/6
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Mouse lines carrying:
Mia3tm1Lex mutation (2 available); any Mia3 mutation (24 available)
phenotype observed in females
phenotype observed in males
N normal phenotype

Mia3tm1Lex/Mia3tm1Lex embryos are dwarfed, edemic, and fail to form a mineralized skeleton


respiratory system
• neonates fail to breathe

• at E15.5 - E16.5
• short limbed dwarfism
• subtle reduction in stature at E15.5 - E16.5
• body axis is shortened by about 50% compared to controls at E18.5

• severe reduction on osteopontin-positive osteoblasts at E14.5
• at E14.5 the few osteoblasts detected are primarily in the periphery of the perichondrium adjacent to the hypertrophic region at the middle of the condensation
• at E16.5 more osteoblasts are present within the center of each bone although numbers are still reduced compared to controls and cells are restricted to an area immediately underlying the perichondrium
• complete absence of well define trabeculae at the diaphysis of the humeri
• marked distension of the ER in developing chondrocytes
• intracellular collagen aggregates
• severe defects in vascular invasion and recruitment of osteoblasts
• delay and arrest in chondrogenic maturation with profound defects in differentiation
• a delay in the onset of mineralization is seen at E13.5
• almost a complete lack of calcium deposits at E15.5
• mineral deposition is seen at E18.5 but ossification is not detected
• at E13.5 maturing chondrocytes secrete very little collagen
• very little collagen is produced in chondrocyte enriched primary cell cultures and what is produced appears to be abnormally aggregated and unevenly dispersed throughout the extracellular fibrils
• at E14.5 Col2a1 is expressed and accumulates intracellularly but very little is detected extracellularly suggesting a defect in collagen secretion
• expression analysis indicates induction of the unfolded protein response in the cartilage from E14.5 to E16.5

• intracellular collagen aggregates are seen in multiple tissues, including the bone, skin, vasculature, smooth muscle, and skeletal muscle
• expression analysis indicates induction of the unfolded protein response in developing limbs
• impaired callagen secretion

cardiovascular system
• subdermal microhemorrhages

• neonates are edemic

• intracellular collagen aggregates are seen in contrast to the fibrillar distribution seen in controls
• at E15.5 - E16.5 the dermis appears tighter and less wrinkled than normal
• skin and other tissues appear fragile during dissection

• at E15.5 - E16.5

• at E15.5 - E16.5

Contributing Projects:
Mouse Genome Database (MGD), Gene Expression Database (GXD), Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb) (formerly Mouse Tumor Biology (MTB)), Gene Ontology (GO)
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last database update
MGI 6.24
The Jackson Laboratory