• some mice die between 1 to 10 months
• from 5 weeks of age
• progressively increases in severity with age until 15 to 20 weeks
• from 5 weeks of age
• progressively increases in severity with age until 15 to 20 weeks
• at 15 to 20 weeks, mice exhibit severe flaccid paralysis in hind limbs unlike wild-type mice
nervous system
• occasional at 3 weeks of age
• extensive at 5 weeks of age
• more severe than in Ndrg1tm1Myta homozygotes
• starting at 5 weeks of age, mice exhibit decreased motor nerve conduction velocities with rapid deterioration with age unlike in wild-type mice
• at 16 weeks of age, sensory nerve conduction velocity is decreased compared to in wild-type mice
• in the hind leg