• short-term contextual conditioning behavior (1 hour retention interval) as measured by the fear conditioning test is improved as compared to wild-type
• higher levels of freezing in the fear conditioning test are observed only in males
endocrine/exocrine glands
• germ cell apoptosis is significantly increased at 7 days, 14 days and 2 months, however, by 1 year apoptosis levels do not differ from wild-type
• apoptosis is greatest at 14 days (5X higher than controls) during meiotic prophase I
• TUNEL staining indicates that a subset of pachytene-stage spermatocytes inappropriately undergo apoptosis
reproductive system
• germ cell apoptosis is significantly increased at 7 days, 14 days and 2 months, however, by 1 year apoptosis levels do not differ from wild-type
• apoptosis is greatest at 14 days (5X higher than controls) during meiotic prophase I
• TUNEL staining indicates that a subset of pachytene-stage spermatocytes inappropriately undergo apoptosis