• significant nreduction in homozygotes identified
• presumed embryonic lethality
• particularly of females
reproductive system
• normal synapses in about 48% of spermatocytes and variable extent to which synapses fail to form in the remaining spermatocytes
• spermatogenesis blocked in meiosis
• abundant zygotene and early pachytene spermatocytes but few post meiotic germ cells
• variable from mouse to mouse and from tubule to tubule
small testis
• sharply reduced testis size
endocrine/exocrine glands
small testis
• sharply reduced testis size
• normal synapses in about 48% of spermatocytes and variable extent to which synapses fail to form in the remaining spermatocytes
• spermatogenesis blocked in meiosis
• abundant zygotene and early pachytene spermatocytes but few post meiotic germ cells
• variable from mouse to mouse and from tubule to tubule